On the nightstand…

Usually I’m not one to have more than one book on the go at the same time, but I’ve got too many interesting books in the pile at the moment, I can’t wait to start the next one!

On my nightstand

This one is taking a bit to get into, maybe because I haven’t read any books about art theft before, but six chapters in its starting to pick up the pace a bit.

Figured I should start reading books like this, now that I’m engaged, just to see what I’m in for! Super interesting so far; I like that it has a practical side too.  If you have any recommendations for similar books you think I should look out for let me know.

I haven’t actually started reading this one yet, its just sitting there looking pretty on my bedside table!  I’m a big fan of the Ellen show though, and if the actual book is as brilliant as the back cover and introductory pages, then I’m really going to enjoy it! And this is her third book – must go hunt down the other two…




PS: all the links are to The Book Depository – I’m not getting paid for that, I just think they are brilliant!

PPS: sneaky photo there too of fiancé and I at a wedding we went to in November last year, in a pretty frame we got as an engagement present 🙂