DIY Jewellery Cleaner

DIY Jewellery Cleaner

Stay tuned for the instructions…

We had Miss Stiletto’s engagement party during the holidays! Apparently the outfit I had picked out wasn’t dressy enough, so I was allowed to raid her wardrobe to find something better.  That included the jewellery box! The earrings I found were silver hoops, but they’d been sitting around for a while and had become a little tarnished.  A friend told me a little while ago that you can clean jewellery with foil and baking soda so I planned to do that – until I discovered that we had no baking soda! Google to the rescue – I found that salt apparently can create the same effect.  I tried it out, and it worked really well on the earrings, leaving no signs of the tarnish – success!

Miss Stiletto requested the details so she could try it out too, so I tried it out again with my rings.

DIY Jewellery Cleaner


NOTE: You’ll probably want to do this near an open window – the smell of the chemical reaction can get quite strong!

  • Place a strip of tin foil in a bowl – it doesn’t need to cover the bowl, but still a decent size
  • Sprinkle a couple of teaspoons of salt onto the foil, and put the jewellery on top
  • Pour over boiling water and watch the bubbles!
  • I dabbed at it with a soft brush, to really get into the crevices
  • Once you’re happy with the result, which may take 5-10 minutes, take out and rinse in warm water
  • Dry off on paper towel, then buff if required

It worked, but the result wasn’t as good as I hoped. Maybe because my ring has more tricky bits to get to than the earrings….  Anyway, I decided I’d try again with the baking soda version, and I’d clean my engagement ring while I was at it!

DIY Jewellery Cleaner

You can see from the reaction in this picture that it worked much better!

End result: In the end I was much happier with the result from the baking soda, although its good to know that salt will work in a pinch!

DIY Jewellery Cleaner

Feel free to share your own jewellery cleaning tips 🙂